Events API Interface

Status: Experimental


Wikipedia’s definition of log file:

In computing, a log file is a file that records either events that occur in an operating system or other software runs.

From OpenTelemetry’s perspective LogRecords and Events are both represented using the same data model.

However, OpenTelemetry does recognize a subtle semantic difference between LogRecords and Events: Events are LogRecords which have a name which uniquely defines a particular class or type of event. All events with the same name have Payloads that conform to the same schema, which assists in analysis in observability platforms. Events are described in more detail in the semantic conventions.

While the logging space has a diverse legacy with many existing logging libraries in different languages, there is not ubiquitous alignment with OpenTelemetry events. In some logging libraries, producing records shaped as OpenTelemetry events is clunky or error-prone.

The Event API offers convenience methods for emitting LogRecords that conform to the semantic conventions for Events. Unlike the Logs Bridge API, application developers and instrumentation authors are encouraged to call this API directly.


The EventLogger is the entrypoint of the Event API, and is responsible for emitting Events as LogRecords.

EventLogger Operations

The EventLogger MUST provide functions to:

Create EventLogger

New EventLogger instances are created though a constructor or factory method on EventLogger.


  • logger - the delegate Logger used to emit Events as LogRecords.

Emit Event

Emit a LogRecord representing an Event to the delegate Logger.

This function MAY be named logEvent.


  • The Name of the Event, as described in semantic conventions.
  • The (AnyValue) (optional) Payload of the Event.
  • The Timestamp (optional) of the Event.
  • The Context (optional) associated with the Event.
  • The SeverityNumber (optional) of the Event.
  • The Attributes (optional) of the Event. Event Attributes provide additional details about the Event which are not part of the well-defined Payload.

Implementation Requirements:

The implementation MUST use the parameters to emit a logRecord using the logger specified when creating the EventLogger as follows:

  • The Name MUST be used to set the Attribute. If the Attributes provided by the user contain an attribute the value provided in the Name takes precedence.
  • If provided by the user, the Payload MUST be used to set the Body. If not provided, Body MUST not be set.
  • If provided by the user, the Timestamp MUST be used to set the Timestamp. If not provided, Timestamp MUST be set to the current time when emit was called.
  • The Observed Timestamp MUST not be set. (NOTE: emit a logRecord will set ObservedTimestamp to the current time when unset.)
  • If provided by the user, the Context MUST be used to set the Context. If not provided, Context MUST be set to the current Context.
  • If provided by the user, the SeverityNumber MUST be used to set the Severity Number when emitting the logRecord. If not provided, SeverityNumber MUST be set to SEVERITY_NUMBER_INFO=9.
  • The Severity Text MUST not be set.
  • If provided by the user, the Attributes MUST be used to set the Attributes. The user provided Attributes MUST not take over the attribute previously discussed.

Optional and required parameters

The operations defined include various parameters, some of which are marked optional. Parameters not marked optional are required.

For each optional parameter, the API MUST be structured to accept it, but MUST NOT obligate a user to provide it.

For each required parameter, the API MUST be structured to obligate a user to provide it.